


Filling in the gaps | A little reference for future high school students who want to study humanities.


*When reading, you can refer to the electronic version of primary and secondary school textbooks (

*Most schools should divide subjects after completing all compulsory subjects.

*The following are all new textbooks from People's Education Press.


Compulsory One and Two (General History) can be connected to junior high school history.

Compulsory Two before the division (World History) was quite interesting among all subjects at that time.

This may also be the reason why many students choose history (including me).

But in the selective compulsory stage (Special Topics in History), the depth of knowledge increases sharply.

It can also be said to be less interesting, even somewhat "boring".

Looking at the questions in recent years, the main questions are basically short essays of about a hundred words.

It tests your ability to think and express, rather than simply memorizing.

The textbook is just your guide (some teachers don't use textbooks at all in class).

If you choose history, it is recommended to take a look at the college entrance examination questions in recent years and be mentally prepared.

Ideology and Politics#

Currently the most traditional and stereotypical liberal arts subject.

Still mainly focused on memorization (but in recent years, the content of pure memorization has gradually decreased, and there are also essay-type discussions).

Compulsory One, Two, and Three are better connected to junior high school politics.

But when it comes to Compulsory Four (Philosophy and Culture), it becomes difficult and has little connection with what was learned in junior high school.

Many students become confused when they reach Compulsory Four, which ultimately leads to not choosing political science.

But as long as you have studied Compulsory Four, choosing Compulsory One and Two is relatively simple and interesting.

However, the later selective compulsory subject, Compulsory Three (Logic and Thinking), is the most difficult part of politics, even surpassing Compulsory Four (but the weight is not as heavy as Compulsory Four).

However, as mentioned in the first two sentences, it is still the most liberal arts subject among liberal arts.


I have always believed that geography belongs to the science category (physical geography is purely science, human geography is half science).

In many provinces where the new college entrance examination is implemented, the liberal arts classes in high schools only offer politics, history, geography, and politics, history, and biology. (If you don't want to choose a class, you can only choose from these subjects).

The three compulsory books of geography can be regarded as supplements to the two compulsory books.

Compulsory Two is the relatively simple part of human geography (Compulsory One can also be considered the simplest part of physical geography).

Then many students think that geography is easy, but after choosing geography, when it comes to Compulsory One (Basic Physical Geography-the most difficult part of high school geography, no doubt), the grades start to drop sharply.

The following Compulsory Two and Three are parts of human geography, and the difficulty is acceptable.

As for biology, I didn't choose it, but I summarized it based on the words of other students.

Compulsory Two of biology (Molecules and Cells) is the most difficult part, and it becomes easier afterwards...


Of course, the above discussion only applies to areas where the new college entrance examination is implemented. If it is the old college entrance examination, please ignore it and just take a look...

This paragraph was written by me on the day of the first monthly exam after studying all the selective compulsory parts of all subjects.

Consider it as a reference for all students. Finally, I will summarize it in one sentence for everyone: "In the end, studying liberal arts means studying Chinese (written expression, understanding, thinking, memory ability), and competing in mathematics (logical reasoning, as well as the generally poor mathematical foundation of liberal arts students!)"

Lastly, I wish you all success in the college entrance examination and good results!

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