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About this site and me

Webmaster: @sino -「CloudSino」 ,
That's me, the one sitting across the screen while writing this text;

As for this username, it originated from the domain, and then when registering for xLog, I chose the ID sino, combining the two gives you your CloudSino (cloud in English means cloud, sino in Latin means China).

Yes, it’s like the chicken and the egg (laughs).

This is related to a strange habit of mine—using a different nickname on every platform, and perhaps even creating a unique persona for each one.

So here, I am not just me, but also me (who knows).

Alright, let’s get a bit formal:

A high school student from northern China, purely liberal arts + Japanese,
The school follows the Hengshui model, but I still manage to carve out some free time (ensuring my studies come first).

I enjoy tinkering with little gadgets on electronic devices and the internet, but I don’t understand deeper content, after all, I’m really bad at math and science.
I love humanities and history, keep up with current affairs and politics, and occasionally write about things I imagine in my head.
I’m somewhat into the second dimension, not much into gaming or watching anime, but I’m quite knowledgeable about various subcultures and memes, often listening to V 家 songs, not involved in any circles, and in reality and online, I’m a complete transparent person.

As for programming... a long time ago, when I was active in certain communities, I self-studied some wiki syntax—MediaWiki, Wikidot, and barely included Markdown and similar formats, and I had to learn a lot about front-end computer network technologies (like HTML, CSS, etc., I didn’t quite grasp JS ;-( I used to be in a technical/management position (and I used Linux for a while, now I dual-boot with Hackintosh and Windows).

Finally, a few data points that may not be useful but people will always care about:
MBTI 16 personalities: INFP-T

  • This thing has turned from pseudoscience into a kind of astrology.
    Ideology test: Social Democracy
  • No verification, and besides, a full-time student has nothing much to express.
    Light Novel Author Personality: Research-type Writer
  • Probably won’t write here.

This Site: - Net`Corner
This name was also chosen later, but it looks pretty good.

Legally speaking, the history of this website can be traced back to my first blog built in 2020 when I was in the first year of junior high, but since I’m not a Chinese university, let’s count it from the directly related old site, which originated in mid-2023.

Actually, I’ve built several blog sites back and forth before, but it was more about the fun of tinkering rather than actual operation, didn’t post much, and the website itself was more like a souvenir of some successful tinkering, and later I probably got bored with it, so I stopped.

As for the current site, it was also during a discussion about building a site that someone asked me about my site, and I remembered that I seemed to have had such a site before, and it didn’t take long to build it again, but this is the first time I seriously started managing such a website. As for later migrating to xLog, that’s a later story.

I seem to have briefly gone through that phase where I could tinker until midnight and enjoy it, but overall, let’s keep it simple. This site will post various things that I think are suitable to share here. I will definitely take it seriously! (very loudly)

I won’t, and there’s no need to write any historical chronicles here,
No matter where you found me, or what good or bad things happened before, here there’s only CloudSino and their corner of the internet.

The various “me” you knew before, whether friends or enemies, just consider them as passing figures in the long journey of life, or as two ripples crossing each other in the vast ocean of the internet. The universe is vast, life is long, I just hope, as my site’s subtitle wishes - may my blessings be with you!

Ownership of this page data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.