Just like the "command line" icon behind this username
Implementation Idea
Locate your username address, and just add the additional content " ::after"
Find in the browser console:
<a class="font-medium text-accent" href="https://sino.xlog.app" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer">「云华」CloudSino</a>
Then add the pseudo-element:
(This selector should not cause issues, please modify the link as needed)
.xlog-comment-list .font-medium.text-accent[href="https://sino.xlog.app"]::after {
content: "Input Content";
Decorate it a bit, and it's done
.xlog-comment-list .font-medium.text-accent[href="https://sino.xlog.app"]::after {
content: "Post Owner";
background: turquoise;
color: rgb(var(--tw-color-white)/var(--tw-text-opacity));;
padding: .2em;
border-radius: 5px;
font-size: 80%;
font-weight: bold;
--tw-space-x-reverse: 0;
margin-right: calc(.25rem * var(--tw-space-x-reverse));
margin-left: calc(.25rem * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-x-reverse)));