


Unnamed Two

I Turn to Myself

The content under this title is what I have written or not published online or on other platforms. To prevent exposure protect privacy, I apologize for not marking the original links and for some edits, but I declare it original.

The content is likely unrelated, but the martial artist is unrelated
It's normal; I usually don't know what I'm doing | ー ` )

A bit superficial 💧, but experience won't add three
This blog is a collection of personal creations, and today I am posting still valuable old content here to enrich it.


People can sacrifice for lofty fanaticism, but so-called "elites" must act rationally for their own interests.

However, it is the seemingly emotional former group, as the primary driving force of this tortuous social contradiction movement, that constitutes the subject of history.

Liu's personal elitism, in my opinion, resembles a reactive response to that "crazy era" (not just that decade) from the bottom up.

Time will prove everything, even if she does not speak.

People always talk about how Napoleon swept across the entire European continent; however, in 1848, it was those soldiers lying in the barricades who truly changed the world. -- 'Victoria III'

Democracy should be a means of decision-making rather than an end. When the people elect Zelensky or Trump, they should not ask why, but rather reflect:

"Since an educated elite can make the opposite choice, what reason does the public have not to do so?"

What factors draw a line between the public and the elite, causing mutual disdain and contempt? Is it economic disparity? Cultural differences? Social awareness? Level of education?

Ultimately, on a superficial level, this is a matter of political education and civic culture enlightenment; on a deeper level, it is about liberating inequality for all humanity to achieve the free development of each individual.

  • Previously in a reply to a review of a Three-Body book.

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