


Try to type out this image about the character 二𫈉.


This page does not represent my opposition or agreement with the views in the image.
The visible Chinese characters are all encoded in Unicode; if displayed as tofu blocks, it means there is no corresponding font support.
If displayed as character description characters, it means they are supported by Unicode.
It's an old image, coming from the internet; if it infringes on your rights, please contact for deletion.

The times are advancing, society is progressing, and characters are also responding to the flow of trends, deleting ordinary is not necessary, thin is not a requirement.

The character is not created out of nothing, nor is it fabricated out of thin air; on the contrary, the character and the character are deeply related, sharing the same origin.

If you are using the character , you have no reason to reject the character .

If 广 has become 广, then why not make into ; if has become , then why not make into ;

If has become , then why not make into 𰅹; if has become , then why not make into ;

If has become , then why not make into 𠮵; if has become , then why not make into ⿱宀覀;

If has become , then why not make into 𤝌; if has become , then why not make into 𰆖;

If has become , then why not make into ⿰忄井; if has become , then why not make into ⿰生刂;

If has become , then why not make into ; if has become , then why not make into 𰭃;

If has become , then why not make into ⿱㇋丶; if has become , then why not make into ⿳丶㇋丶;

If has become , then why not make into 𤆂; if has become , then why not make into ;

If has become , then why not make into 𡦼; if has become , then why not make into ⿺抟丶;

If 胡须 has become 胡须, then why not make 蝌蚪 into 科斗;

If 昆仑 has become 昆仑, then why not make 蚯蚓 into 丘引;

If we say that is the progress of Chinese characters, then is the next leap of Chinese characters!

If we say that is the destruction of Chinese characters, then why fear the destruction of when it has already been broken?

Let go of prejudices, ignore slanders, and write a piece using the character ; perhaps you will fall in love with the beauty of !

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